Ginger Snaps tells the story about two young sisters Brigitte (Emily Perkins) and Ginger (Katharine Isabelle), both obsessed with suicide and death. Socially disoriented these girls will be immersed into a feminine lycanthropic story and a strong fraternal love when in a full moon night a werewolf attacks one of them putting her under an inevitable metamorphosis. Bloody, attractive, gore, with a shady tone and a very good performance by its protagonists, this Canadian film, even when it`s focus on a teenage world, shows its characters through a maturer vision where physical and self-existence troubles are mixed in a cohesive way.
Ginger Snaps, Ginger Snaps: Unleashed (the sequel), and Ginger Snaps Back: The Beggining (the prequel), have become into cult movies for those disappointed spectators of what we can call nowadays “horror movies” by its realistic performances and centring its importance on the story and not on the genre conventionalisms. Even there is some people who classified this trilogy into B type cinema.
This is a horror movie which argument and intense emotions, and of course an overwhelming actuation, become it totally recommendable for those adepts to this kind of cinema.
Director: John Fawcett
Country: Canada/USA
Year: 2000
Cast: Emily Perkins (Brigitte), Katharine Isabelle (Ginger), Kris Lemche (Sam), Mimi Rogers
(Pamela), Jesse Moss (Jason), Danielle Hampton (Trina), Peter Keleghan (Mr. Wayne), John Bourgeois (Henry), Christopher Redman (Ben), Jimmy MacInnis (Tim)
Script: Karen Walton
Production: Steve Hoban y Karen Lee Hall
Music: Michael Shields
Photograph: Thom Best